NW Ohio Green Organizations

Climate Reality Project: NW Ohio Chapter Group

Our mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society.


Join us at https://www.climaterealityproject.org/join-reality

Perrysburg Chapter – Citizens’ Climate Lobby

At Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we’re committed to building the political will for the climate solutions we all need. As empowered citizens, we talk with neighbors, friends, and local officials about how national climate action can help ensure a healthy future while strengthening the American economy.


Join us at https://citizensclimatelobby.org/join-citizens-climate-lobby/

Lake Erie Advocates

LEA defends Lake Erie from assaults by animal factories and other polluting sources to sustain the lake’s health for all life that depends on it.


Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment (SAVE) – Lourdes University

The Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment, (S.A.V.E.) Inc. fosters a personal awareness and respect for the interrelatedness of ecology, spirituality, and sustainability. S.A.V.E. creates formal and informal life-long learning opportunities in collaboration with organizations at all levels-local, national, and global. S.A.V.E.’s activities are designed to empower individuals to values-based action for a just and sustainable world.
