Category: Sustainability

Beef Cattle

Cattle, Climate Change, Sustainability

Cattle, Climate Change, Sustainability and moving forward with better feeds and seaweed. We have recently become aware that methane gas from cows is a significant part of the atmospheric greenhouse...
Picture of Toledo, Ohio

Ellen Federman from Old Orchard Challenges Toledo to Catch Up with Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus in Climate Change Preparedness.

DEMOCRACY DAY 2023 Last Thursday, March 23, was Democracy Day at Toledo’s city council. This is what one presenter had to say. Hello and thank you for being here to...
Trillions to be Gained or Lost with Changing Climate

Trillions to be Gained or Lost with Changing Climate

Most of us can see the climate/weather changing. In a recent Deloitte survey, 60% of American respondents indicated they had experienced a severe climate/weather event in the past six months....
Child playing with toilet paper

Toilet Paper Addiction Destroying Forests

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