Month: April 2023

Map of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Needs Solar

Hurricane Fiona brought high winds and rain to Puerto Rico on September 16, 2020, leaving thousands of people without electricity or running water. The storm damage was widespread, taking out...
Cloudy day

Talking to a Climate Denier

It has happened to a lot of us. We are sitting around the table and someone says, “the whole climate change thing is absurd.” If you choose to respond, it...
Girl breathing polluted air.

One Billion Children are Exposed to High Levels of Air Pollution

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are burned to produce energy, but the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are causing the Earth’s climate to change by trapping heat. This...
Iron works.

The Impact of Heat on Workers in a Hotter World And how to Respond

As the world continues to warm, we see more extreme weather events. As a result, heat waves are becoming more common and intense and can have serious consequences. Heat injuries,...